Jumat, 14 November 2008

Tips & Trik Mencari Uang Lewat Internet

Dunia internet bukan saja menawarkan informasi dan berita terkini, tapi juga menawarkan keuntungan finansial bagi yang tahu bagaimana memanfaatkan media ini untuk menghasilkan uang. Bagaimana dan seberapa besar keuntungan yang bisa dicapai lewat media ini? Simak lebih lanjut..

Kalau bicara mencari uang di internet, siapa saja bisa melakukannya dan sangat tergantung seberapa keseriusan orang yang ingin mendapatkan uang tersebut dan juga jumlah yang akan dihasilkan. Internet sendiri merupakan media yang dapat dikatakan cukup mudah untuk menghasilkan uang bagi mereka yang mengerti karena banyak sekali peluang untuk itu dan akan semakin bertambah dari hari ke hari. Situs yang ditujukan untuk komersial atau menghasilkan uang sendiri juga sangat banyak di internet saat ini dan bahkan ada situs yang memang dirancang khusus untuk itu. Berikut kami sajikan beberapa cara yang biasanya dilakukan oleh netter untuk mendapatkan uang di internet :

1. Membuat situs untuk iklan, afiliasi dan promosi serta marketing online
Cara ini bisa dibilang paling efektif dalam mencari uang di internet dan bebas resiko karena netter hanya butuh situs baik yang gratis ataupun yang bayar sebagai media gratis 24 jam untuk menampilkan iklan seperti Google Adsenseatau menjadikan situsnya sebagai afiliasi untuk promosi penjualan barang dari situs lainnya seperti afiliasi dengan Amazon (situs penjualan buku) di mana netter bisa mendapatkan komisi dari setiap buku yang dibeli oleh netter lainnya yang masuk lewat link dari situs.
Kelebihan: bebas resiko dan mudah dilakukan
Kekurangan: netter butuh waktu untuk membuat situs dan butuh pengetahuan untuk itu serta harus sering meng-update situs supaya sering dikunjungi netter lainnyaPenghasilan: tergantung dari jumlah "hit" (netter yang mengunjungi situs) per hariContoh situs : adsense.com - amazon.com

2. Menjadi internet trader
Cara ini juga cukup efektif bagi yang rajin dan yang hobi belajar trading mata uang (Forex) karena kalau netter sampai menjadi seorang ahli trading, penghasilan yang di dapat juga bisa sangat tinggi dan bisa mendapat ratusan hingga puluhan ribu dollar per-minggu atau per-bulan. Saat inibanyak media yang menyediakan trading gratis untuk belajar dan bahkan bisa mendapatkan uang gratis untuk trading sesungguhnya seperti di Marketiva.
Kelebihan: menjanjikan keuntungan finansial yang sangat besar dan untuk pemula tidak perlu modal awal
Kekurangan: butuh waktu untuk belajar dan pengalaman untuk menjadi ahli tradingPenghasilan: tergantung seberapa rajin anda belajar dan kepintaran anda dalam ber-trading. Seorang ahli trading rata-rata bisa mendapatkan profit ribuan hingga ratusan ribu dollar per-minggu
Contoh situs: marketiva.com

3. Ber-investasi online
Cara ini mengandung resiko (bisa rugi) dan butuh modal awal untuk bisa mendapatkan profit. Untuk berinvestasi online sendiri juga butuh waktu belajar, pengalaman dan harus mengikuti ketentuan investasi baru bisa menikmati profit pada akhirnya. Banyak netter di luar negeri yang hidup dari investasi online ini dan biasanya mereka yang sudah lama berkecimpung atau yang sudah berpengalaman di bidang ini.
Kelebihan: cara yang mudah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan karena tidak membutuhkan keahlian apapun asal punya modalKekurangan: berpotensi rugi (kehilangan modal) kalau tidak hati-hati dalam berinvestasi karena banyak investasi yang menipu atau gagal bayar bahkan bangkrut karena salah kelola atau salah manajemen
Penghasilan: bervariatif tergantung dari nilai modal investasi dan profit yang dijanjikan

4. Dibayar untuk beraktifitas di internet
Cara ini juga bisa dikatakan sangat mudah tapi bisa menghabiskan waktu yang sangat banyak sedangkan profit yang didapat biasanya jumlahnya sedikit dan baru dibayar setelah mencapai jumlah tertentu yang biasanya baru bisa didapat setelah berbulan-bulan. Cara ini biasanya dilakukan oleh netter dengan mendaftarkan diri mereka untuk ikut program membaca e-mail iklan, klik iklan, surfing di internet, posting berita atau blog, memakai search engine yang semuanya biasanya ditawarkan gratis Kelebihan: termasuk cara mudah juga untuk mendapatkan uang dan tidak memerlukan modal awal berupa uang
Kekurangan: cara ini memerlukan waktu yang cukup banyak dan pada umumnya cukup membuang waktu, belum lagi kalau ada program yang tidak membayarPenghasilan: tidak efektif dan jumlah uang yang dihasilkan biasanya sangat kecilContoh situs: mylot.com , Flixya

5. Jualan produk, barang dan jasa lewat internet (e-commerce)
Cara ini biasanya dilakukan oleh netter yang mempunyai produk, barang dan jasa yang nilainya bisa menjual dan menghasilkan uang. Mereka biasanya membuat situs yang bisa mendukung dan memberikan informasi tentang apa yang akan dijual mereka. Kelebihan: termasuk cara efektif untuk menghasilkan uang lewat penjualan online dan promosi produk sekaligus
Kekurangan: butuh produk, barang dan jasa serta modal, pengetahuan mengelola situs dan juga sekuriti untuk situs
Penghasilan: bervariatif tergantung dari nilai produk, barang dan jasa serta daya dan jumlah pembeli dari pengunjung situs.

Kalau seorang netter bisa memanfaatkan 3 dari 5 cara di atas secara efektif, saya yakin dia akan bisa memperoleh jumlah finansial yang memadai dan jumlahnya akan makin bertambah dari hari ke hari. Memang masih ada beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan orang atau netter untuk bisa mendapatkan uang dan kelima cara di atas hanya mewakili cara yang pada umumnya dilakukan oleh orang atau netter untuk mendapatkan uang di internet.
Modal utama anda sebenarnya cuma butuh komputer yang terkoneksi ke internet untuk bisa menghasilkan uang walau beberapa cara di atas juga memerlukan modal awal untuk supaya bisa memulainya. Kecepatan koneksi mungkin juga akan sangat berpengaruh dalam beberapa hal untuk bisa memperlancar usaha anda untuk mendapatkan uang di internet.
Selama mencoba!
Sumber : Ketok.com

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Rabu, 05 November 2008

Treatment at home brings peace of mind

You don’t wear glasses anymore?” This is a question that Apung, a young professional, was often asked by friends, and he always gave the same brief reply, “Thanks to laser treatment.”

Apung had his treatment a decade ago. Today the laser treatment that Muhammad Nurrahmansyah, nicknamed Apung, refers to is better known as “Lasik”, which stands for “Laser-In-Situ Keratomileusis” and has gained great popularity. This is a procedure that several hospitals in Jakarta and other major cities in Indonesia offer to improve one’s eyesight using cold laser radiation. With Lasik, poor eyesight can be improved so that one no longer needs to wear glasses, no matter whether far-sighted or near-sighted. Some people are uncomfortable wearing glasses, with only a few believing they are more attractive when wearing glasses.

Aryani also enjoys the great benefits of Lasik. A housewife living in Jakarta, she is grateful that she no longer needs to wear glasses. “Many of my friends were surprised to see me after I had Lasik treatment because they were used to seeing me wear thick glasses,” said Aryani, who had Lasik treatment seven years ago. Besides Apung and Aryani, many executives and celebrities have been able to abandon their glasses thanks to Lasik. Robby Tumewu, Helmi Yahya, Sarah Sechan, Rio Febrian and Nurul Arifin are but a few in this group.

Lasik first became known in Indonesia in the early 1990s. In Jakarta there are many places where you can have Lasik treatment done, such as the Jakarta Eye Center, Laser Sight Center and Nusantara Eye Clinic. Using sophisticated equipment, these clinics promise that they can identify, measure and correct eye problems accurately. A patient can have painless laser treatment in a very short time as an outpatient.

At the Jakarta Eye Center, Lasik is conducted in two stages. In the first stage, a flap (thin layer) in the cornea is made using laser rays. In the second stage, this flap is removed and laser rays are beamed onto the inner part of the cornea so that a new cornea surface forms. After this is done, the flap is returned to its original position and in three minutes it will automatically stick to the cornea, therefore requiring no stitching. “Lasik is painless and takes only a very short time,” said Aryani, who had Lasik done on her eyes at Jakarta Eye Center.

Anybody aged 18 years upwards may have Lasik with the exception of pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers. Prior to having Lasik, a patient must do away with his or her soft contact lenses for 14 days or hard contact lens for 30 days at a stretch.

For both eyes, Lasik takes less than 20 minutes. However, in such a brief span of time, a doctor must make a lot of very important decisions. That’s why it is wise to always entrust your Lasik treatment to an experienced eye health service center with complete facilities and reliable as well as experienced doctors.

Various providers of Lasik treatment in Indonesia use the latest technology. Allegretto Wave Eye-Q, which is claimed to be the world’s fastest Lasik machine, is used by the Jakarta Eye Center. Meanwhile, the Laser Sight Center Indonesia uses technology from Bausch & Lomb, a German company specifically producing all its own wavefront analyzer systems so that it can offer an integrated system called ZyOptix.

Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija, president director of PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya (ANJ) Healthcare Services Division, said that Nusantara Eye Clinic uses VISX Lasik technology with a VISX Star S4 Excimer Laser System and the WaveScan Wavefront System.

The latest technology used by various providers of Lasik treatment leads to a high level of public confidence. Nurul Arifin entrusted her eyesight to the Laser Sight Center Indonesia at Mal Kelapa Gading in North Jakarta while Apung and Aryani had their Lasik treatment at the Jakarta Eye Center.

Anyone wanting Lasik treatment so that they can throw away their glasses must be ready to dig deep into their pockets. In Indonesia, it costs between Rp 8 million and dozens of millions of rupiah to have Lasik done on one eye. The fee depends on the result of your doctor’s analysis of your eye problems requiring a Lasik solution.

High fees aside, it is obvious that many hospitals in Indonesia continue to improve their medical capability and technologies in an effort to provide health care services to the people in the middle to upper-class, who usually go overseas for medical treatment. Aside from Lasik, a service now available in many places in Indonesia, heart and stroke patients as well as patients with other internal organ disorders can enjoy speedy and easy help for their ailments.

Harapan Kita Hospital in Jakarta, for example, has a German-made Multi Slice CT Scan. Costing about euro 1 million, this instrument can speedily and accurately detect any damage in the internal organs.

The scan gives results of high accuracy because it can view the internal part of an organ up to 16 slices. Before being scanned, a patient is given an injection of a contrast substance so that the organs to be examined can be clearly viewed on the monitor. The patient lies down for the scan, which is painless. A scan of 16 slices of a particular organ enables the doctor to accurately diagnose a patient’s condition. In addition, the possibility of a future stroke can also be detected as the scanner can examine carefully the condition of a patient’s blood vessels.

The latest and sophisticated technology in CT Scan with 64 slices is also available at Medistra Hospital, Jakarta. With this machine, a doctor can view a person’s coronary heart blood vessels in a non-invasive manner (without using heart catheterization). Indonesians commonly go abroad for scans of this caliber, which can detect plaque (of cholesterol) that causes arteriosclerosis.

In Jakarta, a Multi-Slice CT Scan examination costs between Rp 500,000 and Rp 6 million. In Malaysia the cost ranges from Rp 5 million to Rp 16 million. Meanwhile, at the Singapore Heart, Stroke & Cancer center the cost ranges from S$5,000 to S$7,000.

Now that hi-tech medical equipment is available in Indonesia, there is no further need to travel abroad for medical treatment because there is sophisticated technology here. Traveling abroad for medical treatment entails a great outlay of money to cover the cost of treatment and accommodation, plus you may not enjoy the peace of mind that you may have when undergoing medical treatment at home. It is this factor that has become an opportunity for many hospitals to cash in on in providing services to patients who usually go abroad for medical treatment.[Asep Saefullah]

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Wikimedians Around the World Prepare for Wikimania 2008

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – July 9 – Next week hundreds of Wikimedia volunteers and enthusiasts will converge at the historic center of global knowledge and wisdom, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt, for the annual Wikimania conference. Wikimania is the official conference of Wikimedia's free knowledge projects, which include Wikipedia, the largest free knowledge encyclopedia in human history. Presentations and discussions at this year's conference will address topics related to public collaboration, open source initiatives, free knowledge, wiki technology, and open education, with the theme of this year's conference 'changing the shape of wisdom.'

Since the first official gathering in 2005 in Frankfurt, Germany, Wikimania has served as the main opportunity for project volunteers, staff, and enthusiasts to meet and discuss the technology, impact, and future of wiki-based, free knowledge projects. Organized by a local team of Wikimedia volunteers, Wikimania also acts as the primary opportunity for local populations to explore free knowledge and public collaboration, and the growth of Wikimedia projects in local languages.

"Wikimania is the one time each year when Wikimedia volunteers from all over the world gather together in a single location," said Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Sue Gardner from the Foundation's headquarters in San Francisco, California. "This year is particularly special, because we will be in Alexandria, at what was once the site of the largest library of the ancient world. It's an exceptional opportunity for us to explore topics around reach, participation, and quality of the Wikimedia projects in one of the world's most important centers for wisdom and knowledge."

Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the entire planning team from the library have been actively involved in development of Wikimania 2008 alongside the volunteer team. "Free-content projects such as Wikipedia are an essential tool for the collection and dissemination of knowledge, especially in the developing world," offered Dr. Serageldin. "We hope that Wikimania 2008 will raise local awareness of new possibilities and indeed take us towards changing the shape of wisdom. In hosting this event, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina upholds the values of its ancient namesake."

Alexandria volunteer organizing committee head Mohamed Ibrahim has been leading efforts on the ground with the Wikimedia Foundation and the volunteers to ensure conference attendees have an excellent experience. "We're hoping that our main goal of increasing awareness of free knowledge and the free software movement among Arabic speakers is going to be a success. The Arabic Wikipedia is getting a lot of attention, Wikimania is an ideal opportunity for all attendees to start thinking about how to improve both quality and quantity of our projects," said Ibrahim.

Highlighted speakers at this year's conference include:

  • Florence Devouard - Chair of the Wikimedia Board of Trustees
  • Schuyler Erle and Mikel Maron from Open Street Map - The free editablemap of the whole world, created by volunteers
  • Eliane Metni - director of the International Education Association on The Global Educators’ Open Course
  • Jimmy Wales - Founder of Wikipedia
  • Ismail Serageldin - Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina
  • Tim Spalding - Creator of LibraryThing
  • Usama Fayyad – Yahoo!’s Executive Vice President of Research and Strategic Data Solutions

As well as multiple sessions from Wikimedia Foundation staff, Board of Trustees, and advisory board members including: Sue Gardner and Erik Möller - Executive Director and Deputy Director, with a forecast for the Wikimedia Foundation's upcoming year; Brion Vibber - Chief Technology Officer - discussing the current state of the MediaWiki software; and advisory board member Benjamin Mako Hill speaking on the topic of Free Network Services.

For the complete Wikimania 2008 program, visit: http://wikimania2008.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schedule

This year conference participants, as well as volunteers not able to attend the conference, will be encouraged to upload and share related video content on Kaltura's Wikimania video site. Kaltura's collaborative video-editing process allows users to create new videos, or edit, improve, re-organize other videos. http://www.kaltura.com/devwiki/index.php/Wikimania_Video_Site

Principal sessions such as those of the keynote speakers and the invited speakers will be webcast live through the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Webcast website: http://webcast.bibalex.org

Wikimedia Blog, the Foundation's official blog, will be updated frequently during the conference with ongoing podcasting information, participant activities, and media coverage: http://blog.wikimedia.org/

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Exercise in our home

Today, everybody trying hard to keep their body healty. They working hard by planing what exercise they should do or what tools do they have to buy for their exercise.
For them who lived in the city that not to crowd they can do jogging or walking around the block and city park. But for them who lived in in big city with rush and crowded people, do exercise in their home is the best choice.

There is a lot of exercise to keep their body healty and they can do it at home. Exercise not always equal with sports, but also can be related like yoga.

Yoga is an Indian spiritual path aimed at achieving the union with the Supreme Consciousness. Some yogas go beyond it and aim at the spiritual transformation of the entire human nature and obtaining immortality even for the physical body. A practitioner of Yoga is called a Yogi (male) or Yogini (female). Outside India, yoga is mostly associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga or as a form of exercise.

All of people ca do yoga in their home because yoga do not need a lot of space and you ca do it on your floor. Of course for more comfortable, we can used yoga mats .

With yoga mats we can lay down our body in the floor without worrying about if the floor clean or not. To choose which yoga mats that good for you, there is some clue that you can follow.

  • Choose yoga mats that when you sweat,the grip will remain the same
  • Choose yoga mats that will remain on the floor and not sticky your feet
  • Choose yoga mats that will make you do exercise easliy not hard
  • Choose yoga mats that lightweight not heavy
  • Choose yoga mats that easy to wash

There is another clue that you can follow to choose yoga mats. You can do it by your self. But for example maybe you can try tapas ultra yoga, black yoga mat or original tapas yoga mat.
Beside yoga, what else can we do ? well you also can do exercise with Exercise Balls.

An Exercise Balls or also known as a Swiss ball, is a ball constructed of elastic soft PVC with a diameter of around 35 to 85 cm (14 to 34 inches). It is used in physical therapy and exercise.

An Exercise Balls is also known by a number of different names, including balance ball, birth ball, body ball, ball, fitness ball, gym ball, gymnastic ball, physioball, pilates ball, Pezzi ball, sports ball, stability ball, Swedish ball, therapy ball, or yoga ball.

The benefit of exercising with an exercise ball beside we can used it in our home also as opposed to exercising directly on a hard flat surface is that the body responds to the instability of the ball to remain balanced, engaging many more muscles to do so. Those muscles become stronger over time to keep balance. Most frequently, the core body muscles — the abdominal muscles and back muscles — are the focus of exercise ball fitness programs.

Before you buy an Exercise Balls , make sure it's the right size for your height. To test it, sit on the ball and make sure your hips are level or just slightly higher than the knees. But if you're overweight or obese, you might be wondering if you can use an exercise ball. Many companies sell burst-resistant balls that often hold 600 or more pounds, such as Ball Dynamics.
There is a lot of exercise balls you can choose, for example zenzu 75cm ball and zenzu pro series.
To make our exercise counted and calculated, we also can used Pedometers.

A pedometers (also known as a Tomish-meter, perhaps after the alleged inventor of a successful device, Thomas Jefferson ) or step counter is a device, in modern times usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of their hips. Because the distance of each person's step varies, an informal calibration performed by the user is required if a standardized distance (such as in kilometres or miles) is desired, and also pedometers can be a motivation tool for people wanting to increase their physical activity.
For your choice our recomended pedometers is Omron HJ-112 and Omron HJ-720ITC.
See..now we can do our exercise in our home without have to go out and still have a good way to stay healty in our live.

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English Wikipedia Publishes Millionth Article


The Wikimedia Foundation announced today the creation of the 1,000,000th article in the English language edition of Wikipedia. The article is about the Jordanhill railway station in Scotland, and it was started by Wikipedia contributor Ewan MacDonald, whose username is Nach0king. Wikipedia is a free, multilingual, online encyclopedia with 3.3 million articles under development in more than 125 languages.

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales commented, "We are thrilled that our millionth article in English is about the Jordanhill railway station. This is not something which would appear in a traditional encyclopedia, and it shows how Wikipedia reflects the needs and interests of people everywhere, and not just the dictates of what academics and cultural mavens claim is worthy of an encyclopedia."

The full text of the English Wikipedia is located at en.wikipedia.org. In addition to articles, the English Wikipedia offers dozens of graphical timelines and subject-specific portals. Its media repository includes four hundred thousand images and hundreds of full-length songs, videos, and animations, many of which are available for free distribution.

Although its method of editing is new and controversial, Wikipedia has already won acclaim and awards for its detailed coverage of current events, popular culture, and scientific topics; its usability; and its international community of contributors. BBC News has called Wikipedia "One of the most reliably useful sources of information around, on or off-line." Daniel Pink, author and WIRED Magazine columnist, has described Wikipedia as "the self-organizing, self-repairing, hyperaddictive library of the future," and Tim Berners-Lee, father of the Web, has called it "The Font of All Knowledge."

Wikipedia is among the world's most popular websites, receiving tens of millions of visitors every day. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation, and has spawned sister projects, including a dictionary, a library of textbooks, a compendium of quotations, a news site, and a media repository. These projects are all run using the open source MediaWiki software.

Other articles created literally seconds later include an overview of the Tennessee Commissioner of Financial Institutions, biography of professional baseball player Aaron Ledesma, and a look at cellular architecture. In all, over one hundred articles were contributed in the same second as Jordanhill railway station, as many editors waited anxiously for the opportunity to post the millionth article.

In response to the landmark in the English Wikipedia's history, brief translations had been included in Wikipedia's Alemannisch German, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Welsh versions.

The original goal for Wikipedia was to create 100,000 articles. This number was reached on 23 January 2003.

About Wikipedia

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing. -- Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia and Chair of the Wikimedia Foundation

Started in January 2001, Wikipedia is the world's most current, fastest-growing, and largest encyclopedia. It is created entirely by volunteers who contribute, update, and revise articles in a collaborative process. The English language edition contains 20 million internal links, and incorporates 65,000 edits and 1,700 new articles each day.

Wikipedia's content is written for a general audience, and is continually revised for clarity, readability, and accuracy. Original text, images and sounds contributed to Wikipedia are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation Licence (GFDL), which lets users copy and modify each other's work based on a principle known as "copyleft." The entire database can be freely downloaded in full.

Though the project faced criticism in 2005 for factual inaccuracies in some articles, the science journal Nature published a study in December which found Wikipedia's science content to have only slightly more errors per article than that of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Other, less formal external peer reviews have been generally positive.

About Wikimedia

The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is an international non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively-edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia, one of the 25 most visited websites. Wikipedia and Wikimedia's awards include the Webby Award, the Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica, the Japan Advertisers Association's Web Creation Award, and the World Technology Award in Communications Technology.

The Wikimedia Foundation was created in 2003 to manage the operation of existing projects, and is based in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. Wikimedia has local chapters in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Serbia and Montenegro, and Poland. Chapters in Canada, India, China, Australia and the Netherlands are among those currently in development.

Most of the Foundation's operations are funded by reader and contributor donations, usually of USD$50 or less. Its 2005 budget was USD$739,200, and based on traffic growth, the 2006 budget is expected to be significantly higher.

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Rinjani community push for forest regulations

Bali is one of the world’s most famous tourism destinations, and yet the island’s prosperity hardly touches many other parts of the archipelago, including nearby Lombok Island.

Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara is an emerging tourist resort itself, but has long faced the problem of poverty among its population — whose livelihoods largely depend on forest resources.

Most state-owned forest areas in Lombok, however, especially those in areas surrounding Mount Rinjani (which was officially declared a national park with its rich natural resources), are being continuously damaged.

“Mount Rinjani supplies water for agricultural and other crucial purposes to the entire Lombok population,” said Rahmat Satibi, director of the Consortium for Study and Participation Development (Konsepsi), a local NGO which promotes Community Forestry Programs (HKm) in West Nusa Tenggara.

According to Konsepsi, deforestation endangers the livelihoods of Lombok’s residents, especially poor farmers who live off forest resources.

Rahmat said forest degradation in Lombok was getting worse every day.

“Most people live in poverty and they only have a tiny piece of land. This has forced them to find more land, including in forests near their villages,” he said.

The big problem in Lombok is deciding whether to protect forests while neglecting the fate of poor farmers, or to let the farmers freely exploit forest resources.

The government’s recent move to introduce a community forestry program came at the right time. The program, which allows farmers to take part in developing forest areas and harvest non-timber forest products, has seen a great deal of support.

The Community Forestry approach was first initiated in 1997 in the province, particularly in Central and West Lombok districts. In West Lombok district, the program has been implemented in Santong and Sesaot villages.

“We have timber well guarded within the forest and residents can harvest non-timber products, mostly short-lived plants which they grow under or between trees,” said Abidin Tuarita, a facilitator of the Community Forest Program at Santong village.

While waiting for timber trees to grow, members of the program plant non-timber forest products like coffee, cocoa, durian, vanilla, arica nut and bananas.

Santong village is now well known as a producer of good quality coffee beans and cacao.

“Traders from Bali and Java (two islands immediately to the west of Lombok) come to this village with trucks to collect non-timber forest commodities,” said resident Aswadi.

Non-timber forest products not only bring economic benefits to farmers, but also have a strategic role in slowing the villagers’ encroachment into forest areas, and thus helping to conserve the environment.

By making use of non-timber forest products, farmers have avoided removing trees carelessly.

“Vanilla grows by entwining their stems upward along tree trunks. When people cut trees down, their hopes of harvesting vanilla go up in smoke,” he explained.

L. Syaiful Arifin of West Lombok district’s Forestry and Plantation Office said the Community Forestry Program was a “compromise” where two contradictory purposes — to ensure forest conservation on the one hand, and on the other to help forest farmers prosper — could be negotiated fairly.

“The government scarcely has enough human resources to guard the forests, so the Community Forestry Program is an ideal format to manage people’s participation in forest development,” he said.

However, the sustainable forest program has not yet been met with regulations favoring farmers, and consequently they are still hoping for legal grounds for their engagement in forest management.

“A permit for forest management would allow us to become wholeheartedly involved in developing forest areas and prevent us from violating the law.

“It would also clarify farmers’ rights and responsibilities,” said Artim, a member of Maju Bersama farmers’ cooperative unit which was established to empower Santong villagers.

The only legal standpoint farmers have for their involvement in the program is the 1999 Forestry Law. The problem remains, however, that regulations related to this law tend to be biased, if not contradictory.

For this reason, Rahmat said, the group has requested the local Forestry and Plantation Office, legislative council members and NGOs get together to produce a regulation on community forestry for the benefit of forest farmers.

Apart from this regulation, he said, partnership with the program’s stakeholders would also play an important role in producing a better set of forestry regulations.

Several local regulations on community forestry were issued by West Nusa Tenggara province, however, they are still inadequate, Rahmat said.

“The government needs take a serious approach to preparing good forest governance,” said Dwi Sudarsoni, director of the Nusa Tenggara Community Foundation that actively provides support for the sustainable management of natural resources.

“In the end, this will lead the farmers toward prosperity.”


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9 pregnancy danger

very mother would like her pregnancy and birth to healthy children with the smooth ....


Recognizing the danger signs Pregnancy

From bleeding Vagina

When god Young:

• bleeding from the vagina that resembles menstruation accompanied by stomach pain, cramps that great, can dusebabkan miscarriage.
• In addition it can also due to ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus) or pregnant wine.

When god Old:

• Can result Hampi lie low or lepasnya placenta from the uterus wall, which can be life-threatening.
• Any bleeding only in the last month pregnancy should be notified immediately in the midwife.

Nausea, vomiting Great (Hiperemesis Gravidarum)

• nausea vomiting great that no stop although I have to go through pregnancy trimester.
• dehydration (lack of fluids), a decrease in body weight and blood chemical interference.
• Usually opname in need in the hospital.


• fever (body temperature over 38 degrees centigrade, the danger for the baby during pregnancy, especially young.
• There is a specific instance due to measles virus that can cause congenital defects in babies.
• Consult the nearest midwife.
• Do not use drugs without a doctor not to side effects arising in the fetus.

High Blood Pressure

• high blood pressure during pregnancy can signal the preeklamsia.


• high blood pressure
• leg or foot swelling, if pressed with a finger indentation arise that are not immediately disappear again.
• The existence of protein in the urine (known by the laboratory examination).
• More can arise continued intense headaches and blurred vision.
• If so please contact your doctor immediately because it can happen eklampsia. Eklampsia no evidence that can result in the death of the mother and fetus.

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Lexxica -Vocabulary Analysis

Lexxica provides resources to determine how much vocabulary a student knows and find gaps in their knowledge. They also claim to be able to accurately assess which words a student already knows.

The site is difficult to navigate and prone to crash. If all goes well, try the V-Check to find out how vocabulary you know (works for native speakers, too) and V-Admin to process your data. There are also flash games, free graded texts and flash cards.

I would be interested if other members here tried it and posted comments.

Lexxica: URL - http://www.lexxica.com/

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stoped smoke is nice

STOP smoking and does not BEGIN IT

Smoke are toxic substances that give effect sugesti relaxed and feel more masculine. Behind the usefulness or benefit cigarette replied that it contained a very big danger for people who smoke and people around the smoker is not a smoker.

Let's stop smoking
smoking is not easy but it is possible to dilakukan.berhenti smoking is a requirement for those who want to live more healthy.

There is a stop mother Smoke

  • Plans for a strong stop smoking
  • Find reason why you want to stop merokok.missal family wants to follow tips
  • Set a date to stop Smoke in the period of less than 2 weeks
  • Ask for support for our friends and family

prifit do not smok
  • Agency healthy and in shape, relieved breath, skin wrinkles are not and do not smell of cigarettes
  • avoided from various diseases due to cigarette
  • Spending more cost-efficient

What is the passive smoker suffering from the more active?

Cigarette smoke can affect health directly perokok.seorang not passive smoker may suffer some illness, as the illness aktif.racun smoker smoke cigarettes even more harmful bias antibody that shaped the body when the smoker passive cigarette smoke poisons into the body.

Stop smoking before Smoke discontinues you,

Commercial appreciate yourself!
Smoking, other than dangerous to health also self-destructive health of others.
  • By not smoking, you have bearti keep the air clean and healthy
  • Merokoklah in the space provided
  • Do not smoke in the room is closed to bus, train, and various other vehicles jenih
  • Ask the person nearest the agreement, if you want to smoke by the public (remember, smoker aktifpun not affected other people's cigarette smoke)
  • Practice your sensitivity, whether they are not happy if you smoke
  • appreciate the rights of others to breathe clean air and healthy without cigarette smoke.

Who is that the active Smoker?
  • Perokok active people who are consuming cigarettes regularly, with a little amount of any (one stem per cigarette is enough to as the active smoker)
  • Peroko active person who is removing the cigarette walu not even routine (smoker'm just a beginner who try, try also called active smoker)
  • Perokok active person who is removing the cigarette, maybe a blow-hembuskan smoke cigarettes, even though no These (inhale) into the lungs even

Who is passive Smoker?
Passive smoker who is not a smoker but other people's cigarette smoke, or who are in a closed room with people who are smoking.

What is the effect presentation Smoke smokes?
  • Display smoke cigarettes continuously bias lead to heart disease, lung, and the type of cancer that ended in death, bronchitis and pneumonia in children, asthma aggravate the situation, and ear infections.
  • nonsmoker on the woman during pregnancy causes fetal growth and decrease the risk of sudden death in infants
  • Smoke cigarettes are also sources of pollution in the room, which can be disrupting the physical conditions, such as eye and nose irritation, headaches, hoarse throat, cough, headache keadan, and respiratory disturbances.

Substance substance that exists on Smoke
  • monoxida's carbon, a type of gas that has no odor. This substance is very toxic. If the substance is involved in hemoglobin, the oxygen in the blood condition.
  • Nicotine, oily liquid that is not in color and taste can make a very poignant. This prevents contraction nicotine hunger. That's why someone can not feel hungry because of smoking.
  • Ammonia, Him is very sharp and very stimulating baunya
  • Formic acid. This liquid is very sharp and puncture baunya. This substance can cause a person feel like being bitten all
  • Hydrogen Cyanide,. This substance is a substance that most lightweight, highly flammable and efficient to prevent everywhere.
  • Cyanide is one of the substances that contain poison, which is very dangerous. A few entered directly into the Cyanide in the body can lead to death.
  • Methanol, a type of light which liquid and vapor readily combustible. Drink or smoke methanol can cause blindness and even kematiant the diisap time smoking will cause lung cancer

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“Assidinity will give a good result the coming dimasa”
Final Cerita Doraemon
Tokyo, Can be sure everyone recognizes with comic figure Doraemon that described as miraculous cat with miraculous poke its. He/she always helped its friend Nobita that always befalled problem.
Doraemon by it self is made-up stories from writer Japan Fujiko F. Fujio that already exist since 197. This Story tells about life [of] a child of class idler 4 SDs that called Nobi Nobita that visited by a robot cat called incoming Doraemon from 22th century. He is sent to help Nobita in order to clan Nobita can enjoy its successfulness.
Mission Doraemon is to help Nobi Nobita, buyut from Sewashi, owner Doraemon. Nobita is a child that always experience of out of luck chance and not have something ability. Stupid He/she in school lesson and will never do physical exercise.
Life early not so hot Doraemon. He/she is a robot fails that auctioned to an impecunious family that twined debt, that no other is clan family Nobi Nobita. Doraemon ever experiences weight. He/she only being custodian of baby after fail pass test in robot academy, both its ear fall to pieces after nipped robot mouse, its paint discolours consequence ulahnya by it self, and still much sad stories were that he/she pass by in first its birth.
Till at one time, its relatives delivered he/she returned to [the] past, 250 year(s) ago, era where Nobita Nobi, this family ancestor, above the ground in Tokyo.
Nobita only has a gift for in game of hand bangle rubber and sleep that this ability can be unnecessarily in era modern Japan. This is reason why he/she fails experience its life. Doraemon will from [the] future to make it a man that success.
Very ironic, a robot fails come help a unsuccessful child. But practically, friendship both this child make them become better someone.
Some equipmentses that often used for example is bamboo propeller and Pintu where on earth. Frequently, Nobita did too far in using its equipments and oppositely/also fallen to into larger ones problem.
This comic History begins on December 1969 where comic rising Doraemon continual in 6 title of child monthlies. Magazines is referred [as] is magazine Yoiko, Yo-chien , Shogaku Ichinensei , Shogaku Yonnensei. Since 1973 magazines Shogaku Gogensei and Shogaku Rokunensei are also released.
Story that implied in that magazines different each other, that mean story author
this must write more than 6 stories per month. In 1979, CoroCoro Comic are launched as [the] magazine Doraemon.
Since first time emerge in 1969, story Doraemon had been collected and divided into 45 books that publicized since 1974 till 1996. All that bookses have been oversold from 80 million books in 1992. In addition, in 2005, Sho-gakukan publishes a serial addition [of] a number of 5 volumes with title Doraemon+ (Doraemon Plus), with different story from 45 volumes in origin.
Early Doraemon
Doraemon arrive ats in 1969, at New year day Japan. He/she exits from drawer of property desk Nobita, and after the time/date of that he/she stays with family Nobita. Each time Nobita are befalled problem, Doraemon will immediately help with miraculous tools its.
It seems mission success Doraemon, because when they explore into the future, Nobita sees he/she marries with Shizuka, is not with Jaiko properly. He also saw its clan lived in better condition than when Sewashi send Doraemon first; even clan Nobi can buy robot that "not fail", Dorami.
In serial TV-nya, Doraemon and Nobita each other cooperates to repair their life each. They each other cooperate and mutually help. Quite a few story that present their bravery story and obstinacy to maintain friendship that already they braid.
Since 1980s, a lot of pop out story and speculation about end of story Doraemon. End of this story began when Nobita return home and whimper-whiner squeals to Doraemon. But is not old, he/she realizes there is something wrong with Doraemon because robot that kesayangannya only silent and not answer its sigh.
He/she even also immediately telephone Dorami, little sister/brother Doraemon, and ask guideline darinya. Dorami then inform that property battery used up/finished Doraemon. Farther, Dorami explains that robot old-version cat like Doraemon ought to have supporting battery reserve memory in ear part.
Nevertheless because of Doraemon has losed its ear, he/she not haves reserve energy to keep its memory and memory. The only way to reanimate Doraemon is by change its battery, nevertheless it is meant Doraemon will lose all memories about it-self and closed friend its; entered about Nobita.
Disaat at the same time, time-police makes new regulation and prohibit existence of timeline and will hinder Nobita that will try will bring Doraemon for will in [the] future. Dorami then give choice risks by infiltrates time police and will repair Doraemon in [the] future. Nobita that very lose Doraemon then promise for instruction ossify to Doraemon. Effort success Nobita, three year later, Nobita pass SMA by best value and become very popular someone in its school. Nevertheless, characteristic of happy Nobita and optimistik loses, he/she became a bookworm that always stand apart

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