Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

3-war general

Predict upcoming presidential election will take place exciting. Three pairs of candidates have been enrolled to achieve a similar chair of RI 1 and RI 2.

"The winning pair potential," said political observer from the Institute of Social Empowerment and Democracy (INSED) Musni Umar to detikcom, Saturday (16/5/2009) the night.

JK-pair Wiranto, said Musni, is a figure that represents the sound Java and outside Java. JK is also known as an aggressive figure, responsive, fast and has a mass base of support in many areas.

"JK cawapres Wiranto also has a clear, strong and experienced in the field of security," he added.

Meanwhile, Megawati, Prabowo pair has seen support from the bottom. Then, as cawapres, Prabowo have the mass base of the fishermen, farmers and working class.

"Mega also represents the female gender," augment him.

For pair-SBY Boediono, Musni rate has many advantages. SBY is a loop with a myriad of achievements, while Boediono intelligent and humble.

"SBY is interesting figures, including 1 of 100 influential people, civil servants, supported by knowledgeable and BLT recipients. Boediono The title and experienced doctors to handle the economic crisis," he explained.

For that, the opportunity to pair 3 is still open wide. Musni expect, the competition will still be held with the fair and honest.

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